The reporting and election trade union conference was held at AGAT
The reporting and election conference of the primary trade union organization of Open Joint Stock Company “AGAT-Control Systems” – Managing Company of “Geoinformation Control Systems” Holding” took place last Friday - on the day of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the trade union movement of Belarus.
Alexey Bevzyuk, Director of the Company and Yuri Vasinkov, Chairman of the regional organization of Minsk and Minsk region “BELPROFMASH” took part in the conference.
The main decisions taken at the conference:
- the work of the trade union committee performed for the period of 5 years has been approved;
- Ekaterina Shagulina was re-elected Chairman of the primary trade union organization;
- a new board of the trade union committee has been electe.
- the work of the trade union committee performed for the period of 5 years has been approved;
- Ekaterina Shagulina was re-elected Chairman of the primary trade union organization;
- a new board of the trade union committee has been electe.