Automated planning system of air space management (ASM APS)

Performed functions

It is a modern automated system that allows generating a shared information space, to automate the planning functions of air space management by civil aviation in the center of air traffic control.

The automated planning system of air space management represents the complex of hardware and software means on the base of standard computer equipment and special units of interfacing with information sources. Special software of the system provides with information processing that is included into standard (formalized) messages on the air traffic as well as its display in the required format in special interface.

Features & Benefits

The automated planning system of air space management is designed for the operation in the center of air space control and performs the following functions:

  • Generation, receipt and storage of estimated data;
  • Interaction with (AFTN) network, format and logical control of incoming messages;
  • Adjustment of flight plans in the manual mode and automatic mode based on the incoming messages;
  • Message generation in the automated mode (informing on the flight plan changes, and other messages);
  • Acceptance of applications submitted by Users for air space management (ASM);
  • Calculation of flight trajectories based on the flights estimated data;
  • Graphical representation of the air space structure and trajectories;
  • Provision of C4I system with estimated information on air traffic control (C4I ATC);
  • Updating of estimated data with regard to the surveillance data transmitted from the C4I system;
  • Analysis and alert on the forecast conflicts with restriction of ASM;
  • Detection and alert on the mid-range conflicts;
  • Automated interaction with automation means of the civil sector with regard to the estimated and aeronautical information;
  • Statistical data collection on the use of the airspace, making reports and generating output forms;
  • Reports generation of actually performed flights;
  • Storage of plans archives, received and transmitted messages for the given period of time;
  • Receipt of reference information on the airfields, aircraft companies, air vehicles.
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