18 ноября 2020

Volleyball team wins

Volleyball team wins


The volleyball team of OJSC "AGAT - Control Systems" took 1st place in the regular championship of the MVL MIX MINSK 2020 league (Minsk amateur volleyball league of mixed teams).
The volleyball team was created in the autumn of year 2019 with the support of the primary trade union organization. The team included boys and girls from all structural divisions of the Company.
Now young people are having an intense schedule: regular training, sparring, as well as participation in various tournaments and championships. In the near future they will participate in the tournament of men's volleyball teams Volleyball Challenge Belarus 2020.
The team has great hopes, prospects and ambitions.

Галерея 1 волейбол.JPGГалерея 2 волейбол.JPG

 18.11.2020 13:50:00